how to:
NOD32 Offline Update
Now, after reading this tutorial, you can use your NOD32 Antivirus with updated database.
Here we go.
These are important things you have to know so you can update your NOD32 manually, without internet connection.
Step 1
Important notice when you are installing any version of ESET-NOD32 Antivirus. On Automatic Update window (there are two boxes of username and password), don't forget to check “Set Update Parameter Later” which allows you to continue installation without providing any usernames and passwords.
Then continue the installation. After installation, do not reboot your computer!!!
The next step is configuring our ESET-NOD32 program so we can update it manually/offline.
First, you have to have the nod32 update definitions stored on one folder. In this tutorial, we use C:\NOD_upd.
But how do we get this update definition??? No worry. All you have to do is borrow/rent a pc with internet connection to download this NOD32 Offline Update HERE.
Run the file you have downloaded, which will automatically extract it to C:\NOD_upd
How to: Update NOD32 Manual/Offline
Run your NOD32 Antivirus. Choose “Setup” on the left side of the windowe and click “Toggle Advanced mode” on the right side.
Click “Yes” on pop-up window appears.
Then, on “Setup” menu, click “Enter entire advanced setup tree…”
Point your mouse on Update menu on the left side of the Setup Window appears. Then on Update server box on the right, click “Edit” button.
On window appears, put the addres where you put the update definition into box “Update servers” (It shoud be "C:\NOD_update"-without quotation marks). Click “Add”, then “OK" twice.
Now, you can update your ESET-NOD32 Antivirus product.
Good Luck. Enjoy.
Related Topic:
Download ESET-NOD32 Offline Update